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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Points to be pondered while cultivating safed musli.

Safed Musli is popularly known as Indian herbal Viagra. Ayurvedic texts eulogize the myriad medicinal properties of this herb. Ayurveda acharyas have successfully used this herb in conditions like diabetes, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low sperm count and low sperm motility. Its anti inflammatory properties help in arthritis. Tubers of this plants increase milk production in lactating mothers. Body builders are also benefited by this herb as it increases healthy muscle mass.

Due to these properties safed musli has gained global importance and its global demand has reached peaks. Now there is a need for our scientists, horticulture department officials to create awareness among farmers on the commercial importance of safed musli or CHLOROPHYTUM BORIVILIANUM. The following points have to be considered while growing safed musli.

1. Get yourself well educated about this herb.
2. Know the variety of soil, fertilizer and climate it needs.
3. Take suggestions from horticulture department or scientists.
4. The cost of cultivation of this crop is very high. Hence be prepared with good cushion before venturing.
5. Do not narrow down to grow only this crop. Diversify the crop pattern to save yourself from market fluctuation..
6. Beware of middlemen after harvesting. They may cheat you with false grading of the produce.
7. Take utmost care while entering into an agreement with a buyer.

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Points to be pondered while cultivating safed musli.

Safed Musli is popularly known as Indian herbal Viagra. Ayurvedic texts eulogize the myriad medicinal properties of this herb. Ayurveda acharyas have successfully used this herb in conditions like diabetes, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low sperm count and low sperm motility. Its anti inflammatory properties help in arthritis. Tubers of this plants increase milk production in lactating mothers. Body builders are also benefited by this herb as it increases healthy muscle mass.

Due to these properties safed musli has gained global importance and its global demand has reached peaks. Now there is a need for our scientists, horticulture department officials to create awareness among farmers on the commercial importance of safed musli or CHLOROPHYTUM BORIVILIANUM. The following points have to be considered while growing safed musli.

1. Get yourself well educated about this herb.
2. Know the variety of soil, fertilizer and climate it needs.
3. Take suggestions from horticulture department or scientists.
4. The cost of cultivation of this crop is very high. Hence be prepared with good cushion before venturing.
5. Do not narrow down to grow only this crop. Diversify the crop pattern to save yourself from market fluctuation..
6. Beware of middlemen after harvesting. They may cheat you with false grading of the produce.
7. Take utmost care while entering into an agreement with a buyer.

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Monday, April 05, 2010

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